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    Your true friend
    Monday, February 23, 2009 @ 2:16 PM

    McDonald's,sharing place.
    Sharmaine,Erika,Charles,Jessica and I had a sharing. It felt good. I feel belong,I fit in. I can open up without something hindering.

    I really like the feeling after the sharing. Its like a lubricant,it loosen things up. I wish that someday I'll find my all-purpose best friend who can understand me in any field. Who is always ready to listen. I find it impossible though. Only Jesus understands everything.

    As you can see,I don't have a sibling that I can really call a sibling. My sister and I don't get along. I grew up without father's presence. I'm not longing to have him though.
    All I need is God and best friends.

    To whoever treats me like his/her best friend,
    I hope that you'll show yourself up.I really need you.