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    Thursday, February 26, 2009 @ 7:59 PM

    NY-test qualifiers are already in Trace. I just remembered the POFC memories. I admit that I'm kinda jealous. Well,who woudn't? I totally blame myself. I feel so bad,so down,so dfjdlksfhd.

    Starting the 11th period,the feeling of happiness subsided. I feel like I'm in a serious downfall. Palpitating and stuff.
    Since then,everything this day is a mess. I feel like I have no energy at all..
    The was really my idea...or probably not mine,but certainly I was the first one to draw a mustache on my finger at school. It was for Myke Wong. I understand if you call it your 'trademark' if you didn't see me having a mustache on my finger. I'm pretty sure you did because you asked whats that about. You call repeating of ideas of others originality and creativeness of yours. You call others your plagiarist yet you also steal other people's idea. I know that the repetition of ideas is inevitable because thousands of years had already passed. But still you can always give credits where credits are due.
    "She calls the repeating of ideas creativity and originality."

    I'm not mad at you but mad at your actions rather..
    epic day 01
    Wednesday, February 25, 2009 @ 7:56 PM

    There's this presentation earlier at the Stepenian hall. We were 2nd to perform. Everybody was told to smile,everybody agreed,but on stage,nobody did. Majority of us were shaking. LOL.
    I didn't want to look at the audience. Some of them might or most probably will make faces or actions that would make us laugh. I happened to glanced at Grehon and I saw him poking his tongue with matching hand gestures. I almost burst into laughter. Luckily,I managed to control myself. Three cheers for me >:)

    I was told to write a narrative report regarding the accident that had happened at the octopus.
    It was really epic.The INSURANCE will be given on Friday. 3 months had already passed....slow.
    Real slow.

    By the way,vote for Grehon Tiu!
    and also Hasna Tiu! ^^
    Your true friend
    Monday, February 23, 2009 @ 2:16 PM

    McDonald's,sharing place.
    Sharmaine,Erika,Charles,Jessica and I had a sharing. It felt good. I feel belong,I fit in. I can open up without something hindering.

    I really like the feeling after the sharing. Its like a lubricant,it loosen things up. I wish that someday I'll find my all-purpose best friend who can understand me in any field. Who is always ready to listen. I find it impossible though. Only Jesus understands everything.

    As you can see,I don't have a sibling that I can really call a sibling. My sister and I don't get along. I grew up without father's presence. I'm not longing to have him though.
    All I need is God and best friends.

    To whoever treats me like his/her best friend,
    I hope that you'll show yourself up.I really need you.