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    I'm still a rockstar,I got my rock moves and I don't need you!
    Thursday, October 15, 2009 @ 7:34 PM

    Okay,regarding the post before this,I changed my mind,I don't wanna watch Jennifer's Body anymore because it's just an eyecandy for Megan Fox' ultra fan. The story basically revolves around a vampire who seduces guys with her body and kill him. Senseless? I know. Anyway,I'll be watching Surrogates and Fame with my cousin and hopefully,with Maine.

    I just had a check up this afternoon for my nose because it's bleeding. The doctor said that it's just a minor cut but it's quite big and she put on some ointment and it hurts. A lot. She said I should not swim for 1 week for it to heal. Therefore,I won't join this Saturday's competition--G-league 3rd leg. And I'm pretty much relieved when I got the medical certificate because it's the proof that I really have nose-something-something. Call it what you want,it's fine with me.

    I hate being out of the loop. Especially in school. The second quarter is tremendously devastating because almost all the subjects got harder and more complicated especially Chemistry! I used to love that subject and hate math during first quarter but in a twinkle of an eye,everything went upside down. I have good records in Math,no failing mark. But Chemistry,I only passed 3 out of 7 quizzes. Darn it.

    God. I have to spend more time with Him. I have neglected Him over some far less important matters just to satisfy my wants and it's pretty embarrassing for me. I hate it when unimportant things appeal more than the necessities.

    My diet is somehow fine because I have reduced my frequency on eating junk foods. And my money managing went well. I'm keeping track of my daily expenses and no doubt,every centavos spent were for foods :) haha!

    I have problems with someone who is overusing his vocabulary to probably catch the attention of readers and be more 'interesting' Sad to say he is not actually interesting. In fact,he is annoying. And the words,it's all thesaurus-ed and it doesn't all fit in. He just look like a five-star fiasco.

    I also have a problem with my seatmate who always derogates me and those who doesn't fight. He is a big man and is tactless. He doesn't care what you feel,he just say what he wants to say in front of you. But I'm proud that I didn't stepped down to his level because I know I'm far more educated,or at least I have manners. If I do,it'll just notch down my personality.
    I'm profoundly annoyed by people who swears more than they should probably be. They use it as a sentence enhancer. It's like: Fuck man! I fucking failed the fucking test because you didn't fucking let me fucking cheat on you! Sticky caps are annoying too. ~~iSn'T tHiZZ fUcKiNg aNnOyInG?!~~
    P.S. I'm not like this,not even close. I don't say f.

    I don't know why but I'm getting crazy,I think. I laugh so hard with sadness predominating. I don't know why I'm like this or why am I suppose to be like this or why am I acting like this or why am I feeling like this. There's a reason behind but I think it's not all about it. I'll just call this seasonal depression,whatever.

    I'm drinking orange juice while typing this and while my nose is getting me irritated. I wanna write everything that happened this week but I just can't. My thoughts are scattered and it sucks a lot. Au revoir!