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    My fragile hope shattered.
    Monday, August 17, 2009 @ 9:22 PM

    First day of second grading. I thought I could find a freetime to read a book but I was wrong. We never stayed in the classroom from flag ceremony until the 5th period.

    We went to the auditorium for the introduction of career conference,I guess. The first speaker was pastor Jebo Banzuelo. I'm glad he was as effective as mr. Francis Kong. He has a loud voice. Loud enough to catch our attention. He also delivered the topic well enough for us to digest. I got inspired.

    But that inspiration was short lived. It no longer stayed when another speaker came up to the stage and talked about something I barely remember because she was dull and didn't have a pause. She never let us digest first before she moved on to the next topic. I got bored and sleepy so I no longer paid attention.

    After that,we had our recess and went straight ahead to our designated place for the small groups. I chose medicine and computer science over hotel and restaurant management and I forgot the other one since I'm Interested in computer,arts and science. It somehow motivated me,and I got myself back happy and high. Little did I know my happiness wouldn't last long.

    It began when ms. San Miguel entered the class carrying our papers upon one arm and looked frustrated. It was the first time I saw her with such look and the first time I saw her mad as well. It was because of a student caught cheating using a piece of paper full of conversions inserted in his scientific calculator. I don't know if I have the right but I certainly am pissed at this student for causing the portion loss of our nice teacher's trust.

    Ms. San Miguel also mentioned that she was frustrated with the result of our exam because majority failed. In fact,we're not even close to half--12 out of 41. She asked if there's something wrong with her or the way she teaches. None was the answer she got.

    As she mention the last passing student's name,which wasn't mine, my hands began to shake uncontrollably, I started to lose some body heat and broke into microscopic pieces. I feel horrible and terrible inside. I feel like the world was against me. And an internal earthquake was occurring and if I were to release it,it would probably bury us alive six feet under the ground. I think that my temperature would drop down to zero. I feel half dead and would probably choke on my own bile. That's how bad I feel.

    The test was reasonably,truly,tremendously,seemingly and theoretically unfair. Ms. Canlas,who made the exam,came to our class to correct something. She made us change 17(atomic number) to 35, which later was found out to be it's mass number. She did say change. Change,not add. So we had to draw the Bohr model with much longer configuration. We were given a bit consideration but it definitely isn't enough. Once again,we were told to change and not add. We were given 2 points per item instead of 3. I would have passed if it would be 3 points each. She also mentioned that conversion would have lots of points as well as the quantum mechanics even though it was discussed within a short period of time and in a fast forward mode. It is going to be included she said. But there was no conversion nor quantum mechanics waiting for me. Absolutely none.

    It hurts so badly. But I shouldn't let it discourage me to study for this and the succeeding quarters because there's nothing I can do with it anymore. Instead,I should focus more. There's no point of thinking about it because it won't mend my broken heart.

    Sent from my iPod

    Saturday, August 15, 2009 @ 8:22 PM

    I would like to thank them for helping me re-dedicate my life to Christ through their music.
    Spending time with yourself doesn't fall under the same category as emo.
    Thursday, August 13, 2009 @ 6:57 PM

    Here I am sitting at the monkey bar spending quality time with myself listening to 10th avenue north and reflecting on what had happened this week while waiting for my cousin.
    Thinking back then how frustrating it was studying hard for quite sometime but the hard work didn't pay out. It's awful.

    Anyway,I really am thankful to the Lord for helping me alot today. It's amazing how you experience Him in your everyday life even in the simplest things and get overwhelmed in His presence. He is indeed a good God,a God you can depend on and a true living God.

    Sent from my iPod
    Color matters.
    Tuesday, August 11, 2009 @ 8:17 PM

    Weird things happen.

    I was just researching about some stuff regarding Charles Dickens' poetry piece and suddenly I came across this site and got somehow curious about its topic--COLOR. It's quite interesting for me but some of it sound absurd. It was weird because it says there that color resembles your personality. As I read through the facts,I got more curious and took the test. And the result proved the fact the color resembles your personality.

    This is really me.

    You are a very emotional and sensitive individual. Your life and love of life is dominated by your emotions - you have great feeling towards your fellow man and you are always full of enthusiasm but be careful, you tend to let your heart rule your head and this being so, you could be easily hurt - as perhaps you may have indeed been hurt in the past.

    You are looking for something different. Your imagination has been working overtime and you are seeking adventure - and you'd like to share that adventure, the new experience, with someone like yourself: Imaginative, Enthusiastic and Sensitive.

    It's the old old story - I am misunderstood - my partner (be it in your private life or in business) just doesn't understand me and YOU also believe at this time that you are being completely MISUNDERSTOOD by one and all. It then obviously follows that you naturally feel inhibited and not appreciated. It is perhaps because of this belief that you feel compelled to stand back and let the rest of the world go by. As for developing a firm relationship - inwardly deep down in your subconscious mind you are wary of even trying to get close to another person because you feel that if you open up your heart and feelings you are sure to get hurt. Since you are living in a society where close relationships are the norm, you feel that there is that need to conform, but any close relationships of any magnitude that you may have tried in the past have unfortunately left you without any sense of emotional involvement.

    You are being unduly influenced by the situation that is all around you. You do not like the feeling of loneliness and whatever it is that seems to separate you from others. You know that life can be wonderful and you are anxious to experience life in all its aspects, to live it to the full. You therefore resent any restriction or limitations that are being imposed on you and you insist on going it alone.

    You need to be needed and would like a situation where you will no longer be subjected to pressures and demands from those about you. There is no harm in 'dreaming' but it is you - and only you - that can be able to realise those dreams and to turn them into reality.

    Friday, August 7, 2009 @ 11:12 PM

    I'm sorry for not replying to your text messages. It's simply because I'm not a cellphone person. I find texting boring that's why I hate it. But I do love receiving e-mails :)
    Anyway I'm blogging through my iPod because of the power shortage. It's cool I got this thing so I would have something to do whenever I get bored.

    P.S. I guess I wouldn't be able to write here for about a week. Periodical exams will start on Monday and review starts tomorrow. So I guess I gotta go. Ciao!
    Sent from my iPod
    Mobile blogging.
    Thursday, August 6, 2009 @ 2:48 PM

    Today is nearly perfect. I didn't study for the periodical but I manage to pass the exam. The cool breeze made this day great. It could have been perfect if my brain worked properly.I don't know why but I can't write something nice this past few days. My mind is scattered. My ideas as well as my emotions are piled up inside me and I still don't know how am I going to word it. I think I lost my train of thoughts.I feel like zombie.

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