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    Final battle
    Sunday, March 15, 2009 @ 4:14 PM

    Hey cyberspace. I'm actually studying for the final battle of this school year. I just dropped by to scribble something. I just want my life back before. The time when I was fully interested in swimming,the time I wasn't lazy to train. The time when I was thin and not feeling teen at all =)
    I just want those days because I guess I have less problems. Everyday seemed the same but when I looked back its completely different. Things change,people change. Its inevitable. I guess,that's the truth I find really hard to accept. But after all,this year,when I had an accident,I found true friends. Those who really care. I may be happy because I was not having lots of problems before but maybe I was just on an ordinary road of life,no sadness,no happiness. Just carefree.
    Now,I'm starting to experience life. And I define it as a continuous ups and downs.Its when sometimes I do feel happy and sometimes sad. I may not understand but I'll just trust God because I know He is good.
    You can only say you experience life if you're experiencing complications. It may hurt you,but it will be beneficial someday if you learn from it. I just feel something awkward inside that a normal teenager should...I bet you know what that is =)

    Summer's in the corner. I know everybody's excited. But not me. Summer time,for me,is a real tough season. I like school days better. Why? because swimming training is extra harder. You get to swim about 5 miles a session. Summer,I'll miss my classmates. And those swimmers on vacation. I wish I won't get lazy again x_x.

    Btw,congratulations to Ahya Anthony and Atchie Jewel!!!! Newly wed =)